MOHANOKOR ATM allows you to operate banking services via MOHANOKOR card (24 hours a day and 7 days a week) with safely and conveniently.

- 1. Balance Inquiry
- 2. Mini-Statement
- 3. PIN Change
- 4. Cash Withdrawal
- 5. Fund Transfer
- 6. Card-Less
- Khmer Riel (KHR)
- US Dollar (USD)
- 1. ATMs are automatically scheduled for withdrawals, transfers and other transactions with the machine. Please take your cash immediately after dispending from ATM, or it will be retraced within 30 seconds.
- 2. The cash retraction into the machine will be debited to the account withdrawn by the customer when the institution settles the settlement for the customer, not to exceed 05 (five) working days after notified from the customer.
- 3. The available notes for deposit/withdrawal from ATM are subject to variation on each ATM.
- 1. Check that other people in the queue are a reasonable distance away from you. Protect your PIN and cover the ATM's keypad while you enter the PIN.
- 2. If you enter an incorrect PIN three times consecutively, your card (issued by MOHANOKOR) will be blocked. Please contact our Call Center via phone 1800-20-6666.
- 3. Do not request an unknown person to perform ATM transactions for you.
- 4. Never let a stranger assist you at the ATM except the appointed staff. Protect your ATM card and PIN.
- 5. Never force your card into the ATM's card slot.
- 6. Count the withdrawal cash and put it in your wallet before leaving the ATM.
MOHANOKOR Microfinance Institution Plc. currently has the network (86 ATMs) throughout Cambodia, both in MOHANOKOR’s branches & offices and outdoor ATMs in Tela Gas Stations, Shopping Malls, Coffee Shops and Companies etc.
Transaction Type
ATM’s functions:
Type of Transaction Currency
There are two types of currency for transactions with ATMs:
Operation time:
Customers can operate cash withdrawal and funds transfers at any time (24 hours a day and 7 days a week).